Lots of choices. How you begin could create a big swing.
Find the right strain
Posted 2016-May-05, 00:31
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m

"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq
Posted 2016-May-05, 05:19
One Spade for me.
Posted 2016-May-05, 05:37
Posted 2016-May-05, 05:48
Back to the problem, 1♠ is quite obvious. With reversed quality 2♦ might have some merit.
Posted 2016-May-05, 07:40
Fluffy, on 2016-May-05, 05:48, said:
Back to the problem, 1♠ is quite obvious. With reversed quality 2♦ might have some merit.
Bypassing a 5-card major is definitely one way to create a swing.
Posted 2016-May-05, 12:05
W/o in depth agreements this bid leaves us the most prepared to take advantage of a variety of continuations by partner. This hand might easily play in !S !H !D or (far less likely NT) and the simple 1s bid allows for all of those probabilities (assuming lho does not barrage us with some monster number of clubs that is).
Posted 2016-May-05, 17:59
Now what? You don't play checkback after a 1H opening.
Posted 2016-May-05, 22:58
You can bid 3D if you like, which would be GF and would probably show 5 diamonds.
Partner would bid a slow 3H after 3D.
Posted 2016-May-06, 15:49
mr1303, on 2016-May-05, 22:58, said:
You can bid 3D if you like, which would be GF and would probably show 5 diamonds.
Partner would bid a slow 3H after 3D.
Disagree 3d would show 5+ (and not even sure I would agree it shows 4+ given the bidding). We need a forcing bid (temporizing) and diamonds happen to be the most handy and least space consuming. I say this only because I am assuming 2c/d are NOT forcing. If they are forcing then put me down for 2d.
The 3h bid can be many things but one of the things for sure is that 3n did NOT look appetizing. P club weakness makes our hand better but still leaves us with a puzzle as to the proper strain/level. We have wasted a ton of bidding space and further exploration starts to get murky here since trumps have never been set. I think it is time to go with the odds and just blast 6h. There are a few hands where 7 is right and a few where going beyond 4 is wrong but the middle ground seems to be the place to be when there is insufficient science available.
Posted 2016-May-06, 21:40
Over 3 ♥, however, I'm going to bid 5 ♥. There may some risk in doing so, but it the best I can do to suggest slam. Partner ought to be able envision that my hand is at least something like 4=3=5=1 or 5=3=4=1.
If I were sure that 4 ♦ over 3 ♥ weren't passable, then I'd prefer that bid planning to raise ♥ over partner's next bid. IMO, that should show exactly the hand I have.
Some might disagree because they insist 1 ♠ must be bid over 1 ♥ anytime you have 4 ♠. But if I've got a GF hand with a 5 card ♦ suit and 4 ♠, I'm bidding 2 ♦ and reversing into the 4 card ♠ suit on the second round.
Posted 2016-May-06, 22:09
Posted Yesterday, 17:37
View Postmr1303, on 2016-May-06, 07:59, said:
Ok, so after 1S you get a 1NT reply from partner.
Now what? You don't play checkback after a 1H opening.
If don't play checkback including nmf and two way stayman etc modern bidding gadgets, that only shows your problem make no sense.
You don't play these after a 1H opening. You do play them after a 1C or 1D opening.
Posted 2016-May-06, 22:12
mr1303, on 2016-May-05, 17:59, said:
Now what? You don't play checkback after a 1H opening.
2d whatever that means for you guys.
no problem yet
what do you bid now?
I mean we cannot have a problem yet.....partner is assumed in these forums to be a true expert and you have not told us other
If partner is a novice you need to inform us
Posted 2016-May-07, 03:48
mike777, on 2016-May-06, 22:12, said:
2d whatever that means for you guys.
no problem yet
what do you bid now?
I mean we cannot have a problem yet.....partner is assumed in these forums to be a true expert and you have not told us other
If partner is a novice you need to inform us
The problem is that you might play in 2♦, how do you bid the same shape but a 6 count ?
Partner only had Kx, AKxxx, Kxx, xxx and passed for +170 the hard way
Posted 2016-May-08, 06:59
Posted 2016-May-08, 08:49
Fluffy, on 2016-May-08, 06:59, said:
Over a 1NT rebid 3♥ is not forcing but highly invitational The danger with this bid is that partner might
pass if he is minimum and a sure 4♥ would be missed for a rotten score. 3♦ IS forcing to at least
game and suggests a possible slam in either spades or diamonds if partner can help in either suit.
3NT will go down among the dead men and must be avoided at all costs.
- Dr Tarrasch(1862-1934)German Chess Grandmaster
Bridge is a game where you have two opponents...and often three(!)
"Any palooka can take tricks with Aces and Kings; the true expert shows his prowess
by how he handles the two's and three's" - Mollo's Hideous Hog