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Bad break Play problem
Posted 2015-November-06, 17:03
Hopefully I didn't revoke at trick 3 I play all the hearts now, ruffing the last if South never ruffs. If somehow we still haven't lost a trick yet, then I need to read South's distribution. If I think South is out of diamonds, then I need to play a diamond towards the ace and exit a trump. Otherwise, I will need to ruff a club and cash the ace of diamonds.
If South does ruff in, then they would have to set up my second diamond trick (clubs can't be profitably attacked).
If South does ruff in, then they would have to set up my second diamond trick (clubs can't be profitably attacked).
Wayne Somerville
Posted 2015-November-06, 17:55
manudude03, on 2015-November-06, 17:03, said:
Hopefully I didn't revoke at trick 3 I play all the hearts now, ruffing the last if South never ruffs. If somehow we still haven't lost a trick yet, then I need to read South's distribution. If I think South is out of diamonds, then I need to play a diamond towards the ace and exit a trump. Otherwise, I will need to ruff a club and cash the ace of diamonds.
If South does ruff in, then they would have to set up my second diamond trick (clubs can't be profitably attacked).
If South does ruff in, then they would have to set up my second diamond trick (clubs can't be profitably attacked).
Posted 2015-November-06, 22:41
Guess the real question is why are we not in 4h.... but alas we aren' I have 2 for sure trump losers...and perhaps a diamond or club....I actually like to force south into playing the minors for I play a 3rd trump.... I am likely to get heart I lead hearts until he ruffs or shows out....if he ruffs....I will let the club or diamond ride to dummy....if he just shows out I will play 4th round of trump and do the same thing. this gives me 3 spades.....5 hearts and 2 diamonds worst....or 3 spades, 4 hearts,1 club and 2 diamonds. Not an elegant way to make the hand....but 10 tricks are 10 tricks. if I have been fool by opening lead of Q of clubs under the Ace....then I have to south with K of diamond also....with all his spades.... perhaps another short prayer.
Posted 2015-November-07, 11:29
atlantajon, on 2015-November-06, 22:41, said:
Guess the real question is why are we not in 4h.... but alas we aren' I have 2 for sure trump losers...and perhaps a diamond or club....I actually like to force south into playing the minors for I play a 3rd trump.... I am likely to get heart I lead hearts until he ruffs or shows out....if he ruffs....I will let the club or diamond ride to dummy....if he just shows out I will play 4th round of trump and do the same thing. this gives me 3 spades.....5 hearts and 2 diamonds worst....or 3 spades, 4 hearts,1 club and 2 diamonds. Not an elegant way to make the hand....but 10 tricks are 10 tricks. if I have been fool by opening lead of Q of clubs under the Ace....then I have to south with K of diamond also....with all his spades.... perhaps another short prayer.
Posted 2015-November-07, 13:09
Cash a top heart. Suppose that RHO does not show out (for now). Cash ♦A and three more hearts. It does not really help RHO to ruff in (as many people have pointed out). Now ruff the last heart in dummy (still doesn't help RHO to over-ruff) and play a club from dummy to promote a trump.
Now suppose RHO shows out on the first heart. Play a heart to nine next (marked finesse), then heart jack, then diamond to ace and continue as before. This is necessary in case RHO ruffs in and pulls dummy's trump; we must be able to score five heart tricks without ruffing.
Now suppose RHO shows out on the first heart. Play a heart to nine next (marked finesse), then heart jack, then diamond to ace and continue as before. This is necessary in case RHO ruffs in and pulls dummy's trump; we must be able to score five heart tricks without ruffing.
Adam W. Meyerson
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
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From Scottish National League.
You are West, declarer in 4♠.
You ruff North's ♣Q lead
You cash ♠AK.
North discards a ♣ on the second ♠.
Plan the play.