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Has U.S. Democracy Been Trumped? Bernie Sanders wants to know who owns America?

#22281 User is offline   thepossum 

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Posted Yesterday, 17:57

View Posthrothgar, on 2025-March-22, 04:16, said:

Tough *****...

1. Trump has been atrocious for the stock market. I suspect that its going to get worse before it gets better
2. The market doesn't always go up. If you don't understand this, you probably shouldn't be investing
3. We were due for a correction almost regardless

FWIW, I had considered retiring a couple years back. I decided not to because while I had "enough" money for a comfortable retirement assuming average returns, I would potentially be very exposed to a major correction and returns had been too good for too long. So, I decided to keep working. And, right now, I expect to keep working for another five or so years (because I too am down a fair amount and I need to recover this, make up for years where my portfolio is going down rather than up, and then have that buffer in place for the next down turn)

And yes, this really sucks

But you know what? There's a whole bunch of people in the world who are actually going die because of Trump, Musk, and the like.
And a whole bunch more who are going to be tortured or lose limbs or ...

So, spending my time bitching relatively insignificant concerns?
Not really high on my list of priorities.

You know what I have done? I've increased the number of charities that I am supporting, because there's a bunch of folks who need this money more than I.
(Just a couple days back, I "adopted" a couple giant Gambian pouched rats that are doing minefield removal in Siem Riep. And I'm volunteering time and $$$ at the local food pantry.

Now, I know your a "Libertarian" - and in my view of the world that means you're pretty much equivalent to a sociopath - but grow up.

This really isn't about you.

Defending trump

Though I could trust you

But any chance to attack me again

Stop being such an ignorant apologist for the arrogant bullying of your country and administration against the rest of us

Some of us talk for the world, not just ourselves

And yes I regard myself as something on the liberal libertarian side of this world sick of fascist bullyboys like USA

But keep your ignorant defamation of superior tendencies to yourself. People who believe in everyone's rights and freedoms against the likes of you

Shall I continue. I was speaking up for the world ag ainst the dangers of fascism and bullying and you attacked me suggesting I was just talking about me
Cannot you not even see hints and generalise and understand that the current obnoxious fascist tendency of your adminsitration is polluting our whol world and poitic

People like me aree at risk of Nazi style deeportations which they are taking about here now. Stop being an ignorant pig bully for once Richard. Uf you want to pick on the bad guys not me. I stand for justice for the world. Not sure you or USA do or ever did

I know USA has a tendency not to look outside it's borders. Not me who thinks its just about me mate

What I was writing about was a serious betrayal of trust by your coutnry/ administration. Not just my few savings. If you are too think to understand a point don't attack me again. USA used to have so many friends, allies and trust - including people like me. I think there eeds to be clarification on global investment too. Many of us have invested our whole life savings or contries have in funds with entities they hopefully can trust not to mess them around. That was such an arrogant statement. And we do not have control. We expect them to be invested wisely and for those we invest in to be worthy

And yes whhen the world goes Nazi and aggressive and militatirist many people tend to die

But forgive me a small indulgence. That after a long life of sacrifice to this world, and saving what I could, near the end of my life I have earned peace and comfort and don't like my trust being betrayed that way either. All I want is peace and to enjoy my meager savings. But the fascists everywhere are deternined to deny us that. And they often engage in other Nazi type traits of defmation, corruption, gossip, lies and anythingagainst those who call them out or are a threat. I am selfish aand want to enjoy the few years I have left on this planet. If you all want to kill each other go for it after I am gone

I stood up againt bullies my whole life and faced the downside of that. I stood up for qusality and doing things well and professionally and ethically. I even faced the downsides of that too. Yoou know how dirty this world is. Maybe you don't unless you have had a lifee like mine

And some of that scum is too close to home here. I do not like feeling scared every day for my safety and my future. I have earned the right to peace. Probably more than almost anyone on this planet. That's for all thos who don''t know me and my lfie

So yes it's about me and billions of other you arrogant ****

I am guessing you are a US citizen iving in the USA and no real scum around your hood. Not all of us are that lucky

I believe it is the most sensible thing to do to look after your own mental physical and well-being first - without greed and selfish oppression of others - and then if you have any resources left do what you can for the rest of the world. Not much use being out on the street

And if our meagre resources keep being squeezed by certain powerful players we could all be out on the street, and as something of a non-greedy libertarian socialist type who plans to leave this world with what he came into it with attacking me attacks a lot of other people too. And I believe some of us not only have earnend the right but actualy act in ways to call out fascism, greedy capital theft and aggressive posturing and threats of global conflagration. People deserve all their rights, some of us actually put our mouths ad what little is left of our reducing capital in callling out and trying to support those your country seems to hate and squeeze and attack. And similar tendencies in other countries too. And I maye seem to bignote myself but very few on this planet would have sacrificed a life the way I have, and faced such obnoxoious cruelty and oppression and corruption. I try to call it all out but those in power incuding politicans and the law do not seem interested. Not even professionals. that is my only hope that any deportaion would go through a coirt so I could get acces to a court. But I very muh doubt Nazis have much respect for due process either. That was always my deefence agaist maliciously brought action. The amount of evidence against so much corruption. And much of that evil and corruption and cruel harm is against so many countless millions or even billions around the world it is no wonder it is being silenced. So please Richard. You and nobody ever dare say it is all about me again

I have taken the unusual step of renouncing my citizenship to protect myself against future deprotation laws, but also to consider standing for the Senate or the Reps here. Is on my bucket list to be a ballot at least once before I die. As a libertarian you may think it is strange to even partake in such a system. But sometimes you have to stand and see what happens. We all have the right to staand. And we all have the right to call out that disgusting pretence of democracy USA has at the moment. Always was the corporations running the show I guess but this time

Apologies for the rant but I tend to take obnoxious personal attacks a bit sensitviely at times. And people know that too. And I tend to face more than my fair share ona multiptude of forums. Often people behind aliases - at least we know each other's idkdentiy here. Sometimes I feel those or some of those who attack me and try to wind me up with personal attack know full well too much about me and the risks I face, and the very powerful enemies or interests I have stacked against me. So much systemic corruption that I am the only one calling it out it seems

As a relatively new Australian, I have always felt the place lacked a certain confidence intrenationally and was rather too pronse to grovelling to so called allies like the USA. A bit more confidence is called for methinks. Not just attacking and mining all our capital, but also Federal health schemes too. Mind you as a liberatarian free amrketeer I think so much free money is a mistake and easy to mine. We are supposed to trust the FDA. We have the pretence of a bit more scrutiny and protection. But as in everything we are rather too closely tied to USA - markets, approvals everything

There I go again. They will take my libertariian badge off me. But seriously why can we not trust the corporations and rsearchers and professionals and government not to protect us from harmful products. What went wrong. Who runs it all. Like products known to cause terrible harm being pushed on the planet - especially the FDA sphere for around 50 years - and everyone going along with it, and covering it up. Is everyone owned these days and who by. A few people can hold their heads up. The rest can claim betrayal. Although some of us would argue insufficient professional scrutiny

And eventually in life some of us have enough knowledge and experience and the professional training and ethics, and the existentially driven lack of much future motivation or ability to call it out. And we tend to face attack for it. Finally, very sorry. That is not self-righteousness either. We have all been wned to a greated or lesser extent though our lives. It is not good for career progression or even safety to call things out. That is why I have my won consulting business. Still active in a retired sense. And self- funded. Not really owned but able to be silenced at any time. Seemingly I have not yet been selected for total closure and silencing by the system that does own us. I hope my few savings will see me safely to the end of my life. Some of us are still "owned" produly (n my case) by professions who I hope have not found cause to sanction me yet. And know who I am and all my motivations. They could easily kick me out if I step out of line

#22282 User is online   hrothgar 

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Posted Today, 02:53

View Postthepossum, on 2025-March-30, 17:57, said:

Defending trump

Though I could trust you

But any chance to attack me again

Stop being such an ignorant apologist for the arrogant bullying of your country and administration against the rest of us

Possum, I assure you that

1. This isn't personal in the slightest
2. I would respond identically to any Libertarian who comes around looking for sympathy because their portfolio is suffering
3. (Or for that matter, looking for sympathy for most anything)
Alderaan delenda est

#22283 User is online   helene_t 

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Posted Today, 13:28

I just posted this update to a British statistician mailing list:

Dear colleagues,

I would like to draw your attention to new US government regulations that affect those statisticians who work with US based collaborators and/or intend to submit data or evidence to US based regulators, publishers or conferences.

The new regulations will be distributed in their entirety later today. For now I will just highlight the most important details:

Gender, sex, and pronouns:
- Singular "they" and other novel pronouns should not be used. Refer to individual humans as either he, she, or "he or she".
- Use "sex" rather than "gender" in tables and figures. The categories are genetic sex but this does not need to be stated except if explaining what assay was used for DNA testing.

Race and ethnicity:
- Use "race" rather than "ethnicity". This should be based on skin colour, i.e. white, black, yellow or brown.
- The category "Native American" is deprecated but it is not clear what should replace it as "American Indian" or "red" could be misunderstood. For now, they can be lumped into "other".

Specific countries and other placenames:
- Turkey and Burma should be referred to by those names.
- The borders in North America (including Greenland and Panama) are sensitive and are best blurred if one needs to present maps of North America
- Use "Gulf of America"
- Use Wade-Giles romanization of Chinese proper nouns

Measurement units and datetime:
- Use American units and date formats throughout.

- For tabulating religion use Christian/Catholic/Jewish/other. Note that "Christian" refers specifically to protestant denominations, other Christian denominations can be lumped together into "Catholic".

Thank you for your attention

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