Posted 2015-February-27, 17:37
I think this is an interesting question. Initially I was thinking of the arguments for and against the spade A and the diamond, but have come around to thinking that the club Ace is a very real possibility as well.
The diamond has the attraction of simplicity. Give partner a red Ace and we win.
Otoh, it is the one lead most likely to lead to overtricks when we lose a tempo (they have long, solid diamonds) or lose both a tempo and a trick....dummy is KQxxx and declarer A10x.
The Spade A seems to allow us two chances....either partner has a stiff or we get to hold the lead and switch.
I think the first is an illusion most times. LHO shows long trump....often (usually?) 5+...and so we are playing partner to be 1-1 in the majors. A priori unlikely. Even when partner has a stiff, we may not be able to read it, depending on the spots and declarer understanding how to falsecard.
More to the point, there are some holdings on which we are entitled to 2 spade tricks so long as we don't lead the suit. Give partner Qx(x) and declarer the Kx(x) and give partner a side entry.
Meanwhile, a club allows us to look at dummy, just as does a spade. It is admittedly almost never catching a stiff in partner's hand...if he has a stiff club and short hearts, he was bidding 4♠ unless he has 7+ diamonds...and he is a passed hand. We are less likely to have 2 club tricks than we are to have 2 spade tricks, unless he has the K, since we lack any secondary honours.
A perfect world has him winning the 2nd club and switching to a spade through declarer's King.
I can't estimate the various probabilities with any semblance of precision, so I will go with the simplest approach...hoping partner has a red Ace, or that declarer simply can't get to 10 tricks before we get to 4....I lead the diamond.
Btw, I would expect that most people who play bridge (not the same as most bridge players) would lead the is the beginner's, and without casting aspersions on the OP at all I expect this lead to have failed at the table. Given that this was posted as a problem, I suspect a black Ace worked best..tho which one is a mystery to me at present.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari