Posted 2014-June-05, 00:22
In my opinion bidding should be as follows:
1♣ - (1♥) - Dbl //Dbl - gives some points and probably something in ♥
1♠ - 4♦ //1♠ - 4 cards in ♠; 4♦ - Splinter
4♥ - 4NT //4♥ - cue-bid (obviously A/void); 4NT - Blackwood
5♥ - 7♠ //5♥ - 2A without Q♠
Additional Notes
In this bidding scheme there is no information about the second Ace of North. So, if 4♥ is void, then North Aces must be in ♣ and ♦. If 4♥ is A, then we don't know which is the second. If 4♦ is followed by Dbl from West, then A♦ must be there, and North has the other two. The worst case would be North to lack A♣, and East to lead it. In any other case 7♠ is possible and therefore must be bid.
Another way is to use lower level Splinter to insure levels for cue-bids, which however sometimes may end disastrously with 4♠ contract to play. Nevertheless, there is a wise rule in bridge bidding which says: "The lower you bid in game/slam forcing, the stronger hand you promise."