Fluffy, on 2014-May-07, 14:55, said:
I've heard a couple fo times that 5 of our suit, when it is not asking for control in theirs, shows either nothing in trumps, or everything in trumps. So this hand easilly qualifies.
As long as you don't go berserk and keycard yourself you should be ok on this hand. Suit quality is the least important thing for partner, he had J109xxxx AJ Ax AK.
This was one of the biggest scores I ever got for staying away from a slam.
As long as you don't go berserk and keycard yourself you should be ok on this hand. Suit quality is the least important thing for partner, he had J109xxxx AJ Ax AK.
This was one of the biggest scores I ever got for staying away from a slam.
This is the sort of hand where if I stay out of a slam, the punchline is that at every other table they led the K♦ and everybody made 6
I would say that 5♠ here shows all the top spades because there is no other way of showing that, and I might well bid 6 over this with the other hand, there are plenty of things that give me chances here, partner has at least one more minor honour outside spades, Q♣ is plenty provided he has 3 or more, Q♥ puts it on a finesse if they lead a diamond, otherwise cold as long as he has 3+, Q♦ to 3+ puts it on at worst a finesse unless they lead a heart and partner doesn't have the 10 or has 10x, even ♥9xxx gives you a chance on a heart lead if the 10 drops in 3. ♦J10x ♥10xx gives you chances on any red suit lead and I think the balance of probabilities suggests the slam will make in practice more often than not.
I much prefer the method I play here, the auction would start with a 2N "raise to 3 or better" and then a "flat broke" 3♠ rebid after partner shows better than minimum. I'd expect 1♠-2N-3♣(long suit GT initially)-3♠-4♣(now combined with 3♣ shows AK)-4♠-4N-5♠ to be the auction and the big hand would know I had nothing useful other than ♠AKQ as with a Q outside in a 3+ card suit I'd likely be bidding 4♠ over 3♣.