It's matchpoints. And this is mostly for amusement, so I will show you all of the hands shortly.
Might you beat this? What are you leading? Are you confident enough to go after +200 at matchpoints. It is mps, what do you do?
And now the key question, would your answer change if the ♥8 were the ♥7?
So here is the hand.
OK, we can make 5♦, [Edit: Oops, not so, see Endymon below] we can make 3NT [probably also not so], we can make 5NT if they don't lead a spade. But looking only at the NS cards, it looks to me like 10 tricks in diamonds and NT has its problems. [So, fortunately, we were not there]
But we can score 200 against 2♥ if we organize it right. A bit of a fantasy, I suppose. It should be safe to lead a club. Partner opened the bidding and presumably controls one of the black suits. Maybe not, but probably. So we lead the ♣K, it holds, we shift to a ♦. Partner takes her diamond, realizes I would have led a ♦ at T1 if I had a stiff, and so plays Ace and another club. That's 4 tricks and the last club promotes my 8 when partner ruffs, dummy has the 8.
The shaggy dog enters: After the 2♥ bid I am contemplating a double if it comes to me. Maybe I would have, maybe I would not have. But partner decided to compete to 3♦. I left it there. It's just as well I did not have to face up to a decision on doubling, since in the actual hand, i had the ♥7. Dummy had the winning 8.
3♦ scored fine. Can make 3NT is not the same as did make 3NT, for example.
Tag line: This idea of playing the club before the diamond to warn partner off of trying to give you a ruff perhaps has merit?