Quote 1:
Other responses to 1NT:
1NT 3♣, 3♦ = a six-card or longer suit and invitational to 3NT.
1NT 3♥, 3♠ = at least a six-card suit and slam interest (otherwise, responder uses a transfer bid).
Quote 2:
2♣ is non-forcing Stayman, meaning that the bidding may stop in two of a suit. Opener rebids 2♥ with 44 in the majors. If responder rebids three of either minor, he shows slam interest and at least a five-card suit.
Quote 3:
A 2♠ response requires the 1NT bidder to rebid 3♣, which may be passed with a club bust, or responder may rebid 3♦ with a diamond bust.
1NT 2♠
3♣ Pass = club bust
3♦ = diamond bust (notrump opener passes).
Starting with quote 1: Why cant all 3 level responses to 1NT show a six-card suit and slam interest in the suit? It makes things easier for a novice to remember! In a different thread Antrax suggested a 3NT continuation by opener discourages the slam try. Anything else is encouraging.
On to quote 2:
SAYC puts minor suit slam tries through 2♣ Stayman. If the suggestion in quote 1 is adopted, 3m by responder now becomes the invitational bid to 3NT. Even for a novice this makes more sense.
On to quote 3:
I dont have any issue with this. It was just included for comparison purposes against quotes 1 and 2.
Can someone shed more light on this? Or was insufficient thought put into the SAYC booklet?

(Hey, maybe I am advancing from novice to beginner)