Posted 2012-July-19, 07:33
No one has mentione dor asked if West can bid 2NT as Lebensohl. This might be somewhat critical, I would think, as it allows four approaches toward 3NT, namely (1) bidding 3NT, (2) bidding 2NT and then 3NT, (3) cuebidding, or (4) bidding 2NT and then cuebidding. One of these four should be asking for a bloster and one for a true stopper. Q-x is a bolster, but it is not a true stopper.
Typically, you want to protect a true stopper, as K-x fades in its glory when it ends up on Dummy. But, a bolster is often less necessary to protect, as Q-x is fine to lead through when Declarer has the stiff King or J-x-x.
Granted, if you want that bolster as a second stop, such as holding Ax(x) and hoping for Q-x or J-x-x, then you need to protect the bolster, as well. But, you cannot do everything.
For consistency reasons (perhaps), it might seem like a good idea to define these four meanings by reference to the more common situation of a direct double and then Lebensohl by fourth seat, but in that situation the lead protection is ess important. This suggests that THIS auction define the other auction, as this is the more critical sequence.
Definition, though, is tough, as you have to give up something. Personally, I would protect the K-x scenario and go through Lebensohl for the bolster-ask, as that might be less important.
"Gibberish in, gibberish out. A trial judge, three sets of lawyers, and now three appellate judges cannot agree on what this law means. And we ask police officers, prosecutors, defense lawyers, and citizens to enforce or abide by it? The legislature continues to write unreadable statutes. Gibberish should not be enforced as law."
-P.J. Painter.