bluejak, on 2012-April-09, 09:02, said:
As explained above the previous method did not get you the required information so you needed to look at the SC as well.
What do you consider to be "the required information"?
I play transfer responses to 1♣ with a few of my partners. In my experience, when I specifically tell the opponents that we are playing transfer responses to 1♣, most seem grateful to be told and a significant proportion then discuss with their partners what defence they play after 1♣-Pass-1♥. On the occasions when I do not tell the opponents about our system and leave them to look at our (quite thorouoghly completed) convention card, it is extremely rare that either opponent mentions anything about our system before the start of the round. (This doesn't stop them commenting on our complicated system when the auction does start 1♣(alerted)-Pass-1♦/♥/♠ (alerted)!) So in practice, the previous method is a lot closer to achieving full disclosure than the current official method.
bluejak, on 2012-April-09, 09:02, said:
I didn't receive any feedback from the EBU L&E at the time other than in the minutes which said something like "the Committee decided against making any changes for the moment". It's nice to read now that the L&EC probably thought this was a good idea. Has the EBU L&EC started off a file of potential regulations changes to be made during the next major review?