Declarer is in 6D by South.
He gets the ace of clubs lead and plays as follows:
ace of clubs lead ruffed
spade to the king
club ruffed
heart to the king
club ruffed
ace of diamonds
ace of spades
spade ruffed in hand
king of diamonds (discarding a spade)
heart to dummy
he is now in this position with the lead in dummy (sorry if the pips have changed a bit):
The cards are now played as follows:
Ace of hearts, queen of diamonds, 6 of hearts, 7 hearts
East plays the king of clubs and South plays the 10 of hearts, then says "you get a trump"
South, an honest citizen, admits that he hadn't seen the ruff, and thought he was following to another winning card from dummy.
How do you rule?
How do you rule if South instead says "I was claiming the last two tricks, not following to the club"