Ok, not much action here, so I'll give you my thoughts. I actually think this is a tough B/I hand.
There is no rush to hook the club....yes, taking a losing hook right away will often save one trick compared to playing on trump first, but we should be worrying about making, not about going one or two down.
So I win the heart in dummy and play a spade.
The spade suit is complex. Within the suit itself, ignoring elopement and coup issues, our only hopes are:
J8 onside doubleton, or
AKx onside and the defence errs by playing low. Of course, if we held QJ9xxx and they rose with the K, that would be an error as well

So RHO has a guess and I suspect that most would make the smooth duck.
However, we have elopement and coup positions to consider as well. Thus, if we play low to the 10, and lose to the J, we might try to elope with small trumps and create an end position.
And if we play low to the Q and the J appears (which is very low probability unless one reads the spoilers), we can hope to elope with our small trump and win 10 tricks.
At the table, if the 8 appeared on my right, with no apparent thought, I'd probably play the 10 as my best hope to lose only 2 trump tricks. If it lost to the K, I'd probably win the heart return and hook the club, pitch the heart, cross in diamonds and lay down the spade Q.
if it lost to the A, I'd play rho to have KJ8 and play on elopement lines.
Notice that my line varies according to the cards the opps play. LHO can play either the A or the K from AKxx, but most defenders win the K. This is similar to the point that RHO can play the K (or the A) from AKx, but most play low in this position (properly so on different layouts of the spade suit).
If RHO played lower than the 8, I'd play the Q. Given the spoiler (the J appears), I'd play for spades to be 5-1 and would hook the club, take a pitch, ruff a heart, play 2 diamonds ending in dummy and ruff a club (if possible) and exit a diamond....rho has to ruff this and I hold 1096 behind his AK8 in trump....with 2 clubs, 2 diamonds, 2 hearts, the spade Q and two ruffs already...I am assured of 10 tricks.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari