What's your plan for the bidding? Feel free to use any of your preferred conventions (Jacoby, splinters, etc). You don't have that much in terms of values, but it won't take that much for slam either.
what's your bidding plan?
Posted 2011-October-16, 23:13
What's your plan for the bidding? Feel free to use any of your preferred conventions (Jacoby, splinters, etc). You don't have that much in terms of values, but it won't take that much for slam either.
Posted 2011-October-17, 00:50
rbforster, on 2011-October-16, 23:13, said:
What's your plan for the bidding? Feel free to use any of your preferred conventions (Jacoby, splinters, etc). You don't have that much in terms of values, but it won't take that much for slam either.
3♣ Opening hand 5+ decent clubs, 4 spades to at least one honour, follow up with 4♥ whose precise meaning will vary depending on partner's rebid.
Posted 2011-October-17, 01:48
IMO you have 3 choices:
2NT or 3NT: showing 4card-support, GF, you are taking the lead, checking about strength and distribution (in some systems 2NT is 2NT-Jacoby, in other systems 3NT has this meaning)
4♥: splinter (your hand is strong enough for a splinter), you are describing your hand and p can judge if slam is possible
I dont like 3♣. Though it shows a strong hand with ♣, IMO 3♣ declines support for ♠. How do you want to tell p that you have perfect support for ♠ and that you are short in ♥.
Edit: Some systems require that this jump (1♠ - 3♣) shows not more than one looser in ♣, with KJ I have 1,5.
My personal choice on this hand: 4♥. Everything told in one bid.
Posted 2011-October-17, 03:53
1S - 2NT
3C = tell me more
... - 3NT = stronger type, side void
4C = which void?
... - 4H = heart void
This approach is pretty much enforced by my system since 1S - 2C would be weak. The possible alternatives would be 1S - 3C (GF raise) or 1S - 1NT (INV+ relay), neither of which feels like it will leave us better placed. Of course I would love to be playing fit jumps on this hand instead...
Posted 2011-October-17, 03:59
Posted 2011-October-17, 04:08
- hrothgar
Posted 2011-October-17, 04:50
Yes, we have 4 card spade support, heart shortness and enough to force to game. For me, 4H does not also show a decent 7 card side suit.
Posted 2011-October-17, 05:33
wyman, on 2012-May-04, 09:48, said:
rbforster, on 2012-May-20, 21:04, said:
My YouTube Channel
Posted 2011-October-17, 06:44
The choice depends on whether you want to be in charge (with 2C) or let go the responsibility (splinter).
Posted 2011-October-17, 07:33
I expect a probable red suit call, after which I will bid 2♠, absolutely establishing fit in my methods.
In my methods, partner will always next bid 2NT, denying two of the top three spade honors.
What I do next depends on partner's likely red suit:
If 2♥, I next bid 3♠ to deny two top clubs, deny a diamond control, deny a heart card as high as the Queen, but show two of the top three spades. If partner lacks a diamond control, he signs off at 4♠, and we are done. If he has a diamond control, he might be able to bid serious 3NT or might cue 4♣ to show the Ace or Queen of clubs, either of which is interesting and has further developments; I don't feel like developing everything plausible though.
If 2♦, I next bid 3♥, showing first or second control in hearts (not 4♥ because the delayed splinter is still not quite right). Partner may well cue 3♠ to show me the spade Queen, but again he might also zoom to 4♠ because of no diamond control. Other possibilities are out there, but again that gets too involved without knowing what he has.
-P.J. Painter.
Posted 2011-October-17, 08:18
the Freman, Chani from the move "Dune"
"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."
George Bernard Shaw
Posted 2011-October-17, 11:28
I opted for a GF 2♣, hoping to help partner upgrade club honors in his evaluation. I normally don't bid this with 4 card support, but nothing else appealed. In the end, we correctly stopped in game when partner lacked a diamond control, but at least I thought our auction had a chance of finding slam if partner's red card holdings had been reversed.
(spots corrected from OP)
Posted 2011-October-17, 12:58
This auction is perfect at IMPs (or total points).
But, if giving away as little information as possible is your goal, you failed miserably. The opps (unless they are both blind and deaf) are going to lead a diamond and you will get +450. You might have avoided the diamond lead if you chose some less revealing path to 4♠ (or even 6♠).
Of course, the opps might have a natural diamond lead anyway, in which case you did as well as you possibly could.
Posted 2011-October-17, 13:48
-P.J. Painter.
Posted 2011-October-17, 14:07

Posted 2011-October-17, 18:44
Posted 2011-October-17, 19:25
ArtK78, on 2011-October-17, 12:58, said:
And therein lies the answer. In the blind, the opening leader will have a sequence in diamonds or just guess right --combining to more than half the time, and the bashers lose a lot of IMPs. The rest of the time they will make the slam, gaining a lot of IMPs.
And, all of the time, potential teammates will know what they would be getting.
Posted 2011-October-18, 01:17
whereagles, on 2011-October-17, 18:44, said:
If you establish the key during the bidding, such as having a check back that confirms the other top trump honor when partner just showed 2/3 top, you can encrypt your cues and still give the required full disclosure. Only encrypted carding is oppressed by the regulators, bidding is allowed in the same way any style of late round cue bidding is (anything goes starting with openers rebid in the US, and I imagine this is similar elsewhere).
Posted 2011-October-18, 01:22
rbforster, on 2011-October-18, 01:17, said:
I have no idea what this means......in fact I fall sleep.
congrats you win the rest of us ....
you win at bridge when 99% of paying bridge could care less.