In this post it was suggested that leading low might be better i was highly suspicious of this and decided to do my own sim with dealmaster pro.
For 2000 hands
East is 15-17 bal (may have 5M but not all of them)
West is 9-14 without 4M (i didnt want to include the 4333/3433 for this sim)
double dummy a high H win 458 while a low H win 417.
----------------------low H win & high H lose when
xx---A9xx = 17 times
A6---987x = 2 times (playing the A at trick 1 block the suit.)
k7x---A8xx = 2 times declarer can establish a 3rd H trick
------------------------High H win & low lose when
Hx(x)---H9x = 9
Hxx--H9 (H9x--H8, H98--Ax ) = 7
Hx--A9xx = 4
xx(x)--AK9(x) = 10
98--AKx = 1
9x--AKx(x) = 2 (playing the 9 cost nothing here)
Kxx--xx = 8
case i didnt count
AKx---98x where declarer has 50% of ducking
763---AK8 leading H declarer duck and impossible switch
H9x--Hx(x) or 9xx AKx = 11
Kx--xxx = 6
case where opener has a 1S opening.
Even if i allow 4333/3444 for responder i think its clear that a high H is better.
Also if the opps are playing puppet stayman than many hands where responder has xx in H and 3S are to be removed wich mean that low H make no sense anymore.