Opponent opens a weak 2.
When I make a take out double I do so without regard to my partner using Lebensohl right?
So, if I can make a positive bid I just bid it right?
For example, if I have a stopper and 18pts I would just bid 3N or a five card suit with 15pts+ then I would just bid that suit at the two level correct?
I only double when I am superstrong or have a normal flat takeout hand. Would you agree?
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Doubling A Weak Two/Lebensohl Question
Posted 2011-February-04, 16:07
What you double on isn't affected by if you play lebensohl. It's only when responding to the double that lebensohl applies.
With an 18 count and a stop, I just overcall 2N. If you did decide to double, then you can bid 3N over a positive response. With the other hand you mention, just overcall at whatever level necessary.
With an 18 count and a stop, I just overcall 2N. If you did decide to double, then you can bid 3N over a positive response. With the other hand you mention, just overcall at whatever level necessary.
Wayne Somerville
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